Block Deal & Bulk Deal in indian Stock market

 Block Deal & Bulk Deal in Stock market

As we are discussing different events in Primary and Secondary Market and how we can able to analysis the different Opportunities generated in the Indian stock market. If we observe all these events very closely with a logical approach, then we can surely able to be a part of the money-making process by the following capitalism.

Today we will see one more event of the stock market to get direct and indirect benefits from the stock Market

We will discuss Block Deal & Bulk Deal. As every one of us is aware of the retail and wholesale market in the regular market likewise in the stock market if any of promoter or any stockholder want to dissolve their stock holding from any company then with the permission of SEBI they can sell their stocks in this bulk deal or block deal facility. It will not affect us much as Like other events but we can able to know the reason behind this bulk deal the rate offered in this deal will be discounted as like wholesale market if company’s fundamentals are very strong then we can participate in this deal and enjoy the discounted rate of good companies share. If these block deals are happening in the same company again and again then we can understand the internal weakness in the company. so depending upon the occasion and news we can take benefits

The time for this block deal is very limited you can participate in these deals from 9.15 am to 9.50 am in the morning and somewhere in the afternoon session, we will all the details on the website of NSE and BSE. Block deal has to be of 5 lakh shares or of 10 Cr valuation. block deal has to be 0.5% of the outstanding shares. there is a special window that has been provided. block deal will happen at once with only one buyer but block deal can last till the day ends bulk deal can have more than one buyer.  For a block deal share price of the previous day is taken into the consideration and you can bid +1 or -1 % of the previous day's price.

So today we have tried to understand about the Bulk deal and block deal hopefully you have enjoyed this piece of information for more updates don’t forget to like share comment and subscribe


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